Juan O Savin
When you go to Time Machines..
it’s very real, from a Scriptural standpoint..
Daniel was a slave, a eunuch..
When he died, that of his race.. would be extinct..
He prayed, “God what’s going to happen to your people?
Are we going to die in slavery?
You promised Abraham..
that we would be as the sand at the seashore for number
& as the stars in the Heaven for number..”
When you look up in the sky
& you see the Milky Way Galaxy
& then all the other Galaxies
there’s way more stars that we can see out into the night..
then there is grains of sand on all the beaches of all the world..
Daniel is praying,
“How’s this going to happen?..”
An angel appears to him..
The angel says.. God sent him across time.
He came from the future
at the end of the age of all this stuff
coming to a head on the Earth..
literally the moments leading up to Armageddon.
And the angel was summoned by God
to travel across time
like we cross the street..