Plant seeds. Live by Faith, Free The Children. wego.social. This is a WAR of HALOS vs Pitchforks & GOD WINS ALL WAYS
WE are to 'PRAY WITHOUT CEASING".... for Me personally, I ALWAYS PRAY for My POTUS Trump and FLOTUS Melania and the ENTIRE rest of the FAMILY. It's who I AM and what I do and 'PRAY" is just talking outward or inward and having a personal relationship with OUR creator GOD. My POTUS Trump walks with a personal relationship with Yeshua, his savior. I absolutely LOVE this FAMILY. They are full of LIFE, with ALL it's Up's and downs. And through it all, THEY want the BEST for AMERICA.
God, Family, MAGA, Truth Seeker/Follower Trump is my 19th President!
I also pray that President Trump will have discernment regarding his advisors.