🇨🇦‘s For Trump 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Kindred Spirits✨ #The Great Awakening #WWG1WGAWW #TheBestIsYetToCome #GodWins #JfkJrLives

Respectfully, the chief exorcist of the Vatican, Fr. Amorth (God rest his soul) along with many others have said Yoga, and the likes, leave openings for demonic spirit activity. A search of him or another exorcist, Fr. Ripperger w/yoga will bring up some articles and examples. The main video by Fr. Ripper concerning this issue has been censored, go figure. The following is a sermon from another priest of Fr. Ripperger's religious order giving a more in depth explanation than esoteric knowledge being kept from us, it explains rather how it conjures up the demonic. For those who are open....
Blessings frens🙏
to open the mind through meditation, etc opens us up to the spirit world.
God said there should be no other gods before me.
God is a spirit. the Holy spirit
when practicing these things, you should discern the spirts that you are in commnion with. I choose the holy spirit.
jesus said to pray, meditate and fast
you will know people and their God by their fruits, or wisdom that is from God,
or other spirits that are evil or deceptive or unclean
there are many deceptions and lies in the world.
one of the biggest that I grew up with was that meditation was bad, meanwhile, the preachers are taught to speak in a charmers manner while playing organ music and lulling the congregation “to sleep” or a trance.
and where do evil, demonic and unclean spirits go to find “open” and tranced people? church, tvs, music, etc. there are so many ways the the human mind can be infiltrated.
I pray, meditate, and fast
its the only way to actually hear Gods voice