Rtanj Mountain/Pyramid.
If you climb at the top of the Rtanj, you will find the ruins of the church of St. George (who was a holy warrior and a symbol of Christianity). In the past, the church had 12 Orthodox icons and was built in Jewish synagogue style.
There are huge underground spaces within this mountain, and speleologists have already found more than 17 important caves and underground subways. On the south and northwestern side of the mountain, about 450 meters high, cavity of the rhomboid base were located beneath the peak Šiljak (Spike). Its pages are 250 and 500 meters long.
This underground space occupies the same position where, in previously investigated pyramids, resonance chambers are most commonly found. A large vertical tunnel, dubbed by the explorers, runs deep into the heart of the mountain, from where an extraordinary amount of Orgon energy comes to the surface.

Orthodox here. A part of our religion is to read the daily lives of the Saints from the Church Calendar. Many churches are built over the burial places of former saints or places where their relics were discovered. Often these places have healing properties. For example there are many stories of people being healed at the burial sites of saints, they will dig up their relics (some are incorrupt to this day), build a church over the site and then venerate (not worship) the relics which will heal people as well. When I was converting to Orthodoxy believing this was a major struggle and hurdle for me. However, some of these are recent, and I have heard testimonials from people at my own parish that have witnessed and/or experienced things first hand. My Priest has told me some amazing stories of things he's witnessed, been a part of, and have happened to him that blew my mind. Now I am a true believer, and to any Orthodox, these things are nothing new.
Are you familiar with Orthodox monks meditation style?
Luke 17:21