entity (plural entities)
That which has a distinct existence as an individual unit. Often used for organisations which have no physical form.
The existence of something considered apart from its properties.
(databases) Anything about which information or data can be stored in a database; in particular, an organised array or set of individual elements or parts.
The state or quality of being or existence.
The group successfully maintains its tribal entity.
A spirit, ghost, or the like.
(science fiction) An alien lifeform that has no corporeal body.
The word poltergeist comes from the German language words poltern ("to make sound" and "to rumble") and Geist ("ghost" and "spirit"), and the term itself translates as "noisy ghost", "rumble-ghost" or a "loud spirit". A synonym coined by René Sudre is thorybism, from Greek θορυβείν ("to make noise or uproar; throw into confusion").