OfficialMcAfee on Telegram - 8:08pm Eastern
Name of the video - MOVIES_END_ON_BLQQD_MQQNS__Q
*and, no, I don't know the legitimacy of the channel. Just thought this vid was interesting...
I don't like that JFK audio, I'm open to anything and hoped something immaculate would be provided via the McAfee channel but this audio seems doctored. I even downloaded the audio and compared it in Audacity to see if I could find cloning or other evidence. I found some flat audio clip starts, which is unnatural but beyond small things like that the flow is too jittery, it sounds pieced together, even though the words don't have a cloned flow to similar speeches. If it's AI or hand-stitched it's pretty good and I could not have done better. The radio squeal through the transmission is brilliant to hide imperfect stitches between words. Things like this push to discredit the channel.