Pepe Lives Matter 🐸
You really can't under state
what kind of seismic shift this would be
if Roe V Wade gets overturned.
This is monumental.
[They] draw power off of this evil.
[They] are losing!
This would be the win of a generation..
Buckle your seatbelts.
Prepare for riots. Pray.
This was a strategic leak by the deep state? Panic.
🌟 IET 17
Re: Roe v Wade is a distraction from 2000 Mules
63.5 MILLION babies killed since RvW
-that’s 60x more than all US soldiers that died
in All wars since 1776
-10x more than allegedly died in the Holocaust
-3x more than died in Holodomor
Roe v Wade is the single biggest tragedy
to ever occur in the US - By a country mile
👉 There is no distraction.
This is turning into the flood foretold 🔥
🇺🇸 Ezra A. Cohen
It's not a leak its a warning to them 💥
Оче наш, који си на небесима, да се свети име Твоје, да дође царство Твоје, да буде воља Твоја и на земљи као на небу
Stay strong patriots, the whole world is watching
💊 Red.Pill.Pharmacist
Anyone else sitting here in awe as I am?
You were born for this VERY moment in time.
God chose you to be here to participate
& look at you now.
You’re here despite all the struggles & trials you’ve faced,
some of you doing it alone & for years.
Please know I am proud & humbled
to stand here with each & everyone one of you today.
Also know it’s going to get a whole lot harder
but never forget — we continue to grow in numbers,
we are ready
& we fight alongside God himself.
Let’s finish this, Patriots. For God & country.
🇺🇸 Ezra A Cohen
You were born for this moment.
The leaker is Sotomayor.