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General mills (GMO's), soybeans (GMO's), Meat Processing (human meat/hormones/antibiotics pumped into animals for more $$$). I'd say someone is cleaning up the food (crap) being fed to the American people.
Only followers of this user (@Gapatriot3) can see their posts

We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
This leads me to believe we must be really close to the end. I think back to the agreement Trump made with farmers and to Q's statement "there's more good than bad." I don't know the terms of that agreement, but I do know with the destruction of these plants, there's going to have to be farmers that are in the waiting with enough food to feed those in need (at least that's my hope). Now there're destroying chickens by the millions. Will have to keep an eye on that one. Not sure what that's about. I do however know that I've watched people in the grocery store putting magnets on poultry. Hubby laughed until I did the same thing with a fryer. I don't remember the brand name but it wasn't Tyson chicken. Everyone knows about Tyson so I don't even mess with anything from Tyson, but my magnet stuck to the fryer, so I wouldn't buy it. I now get my meat from Butcher Box online. Love the meat and magnets don't stick to their meat. When it does, they'll be getting it back.