All things JFK Jr. Am not him. ;) Also on TS. This page does not believe JFK is still alive. But Jr. might be. Time will tell. Enjoy!
“Right there on the table [in Mar-a-Lago] is a 747. It’s Air Force One. ... One day the reporters are in there; they see the Air Force One on the table. ... Well, what is it? It’s painted in the same colors as John Jr.’s aircraft was when it crashed in ’99.
And so this black and red striped painting scheme on Air Force One, and President Trump said he was thinking about new color combination, new markings, for Air Force One. ... Why these colors specifically? ‘Cause it was Jr.’s
That which was denied to him in this … because he passed away in this plane crash is the story, and so, did he actually die in that manner?
And why would somebody want him dead? And if it was not a natural event, it was a manufactured event, because he was on course to run for the senate in New York. Who was running for the same seat? Hillary Clinton.”
April 30, 2022
All things JFK Jr. Am not him. ;) Also on TS. This page does not believe JFK is still alive. But Jr. might be. Time will tell. Enjoy!
“And so the ‘club,’ the Clintons, who are really Rockefellers -- both of them, prior to marriage -- that club didn’t want John in the blocking position in that senate seat. So, taking him out in the plane crash was a way of protecting and guaranteeing that Hillary would be able to take that seat.
Part of the rest of the discussion is:
Was there an understanding that that was in play, and then knowing that there was going to be this attempt to kill, did they in fact use that in the process to ‘take a piece of this board’ in this multiple board chess game we’re in – and move it to a nonvisable board so that it could be brought back and used later? And by the way, was that the same thing that was done with Epstein? … with McAfee?”
"off (not 'of') this board"