🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
Pic stolen from The Sacred Blue Tent. Maybe drop into that incredible archive of livestreams under their music link and if you have not caught The Jesus Strand PARTS 1 AND 2 at Rumble yet then you might consider them. -48 has stated very clearly that Part 3 is not their story to tell. If you're having difficulty with the Christ Bloodline aspect of this, that's understandable. Do consider stretching yourself beyond your comfort zone though because we have been assured that the upcoming scenes of this movie will surprise us all and, let's be real, it's not too much of a leap to consider that we might not have been given the 100% Truth surrounding Christ.
The fact that 44 books of the bible have been hidden from us - should give us enough pause. Why did these"men" decide that the people should not know the truth. at 67 I am realizing more each day that what we have been taught is backwards. Do I believe in God/Source - yes..I also believe Jesus lived among us - but when you think about it much of the bible is fear based to control us. I remember when I was in 1st grade and the nuns telling us that poor innocent babies would go to a place called Limbo if they were not baptized. I never understood how a loving God would punish innocent babies over something of which they had no control. I had so many arguments with the nuns and priests. I think that was the start of me preparing for times such as this.

🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
I was brought up Catholic myself and chose the Confirmation name John in 1985. It's been a long road to say the least. I am simply and lovingly suggesting that we keep our minds very open to any and all possibilities. Have a beautiful day fren!

Fighting the fight to save my kids, grandkids and their grandchildren. Removed from FB and twitter - consider it a badge of honor
Agreed - we are very blessed to be living in these times. I am grateful for the community we have developed over the past 3+ years - has been a life saver for me personally to be able to communicate and share thoughts, concerns, ideas, etc. This whole plan is really quite brilliant in so many ways. God Bless -