A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
TO DO: 2022
Do not continue to invest your energy into a toxic system. Time to detach.
Understand as long as you use their system, you empower it. They use your energy to rule over.
Everything is energy, including you. How do you use your energy?
Do you invest it in their system or do you withdraw it from their system?
Their system is falling apart / the 3D matrix is crumbling before our eyes so if you are invested in their system, you will fall along with it.
You must undertake measures to ensure your survival when the system fails as it will.
When the system fails, you will experience either a personal failure or a personal freedom, it is all how you view it.
Creating change at this level is difficult but necessary in order to ensure the future of humanity on Earth.
continued in comments
Understand that your current level of comfort may very well change and this is necessary.
Our recommendation is to minimize your exposure to the system as we have been saying to leave the matrix.
Learn to live off of less right now. This exposes you less to the system that is failing and reduces your dependence upon it. This way your energy is less invested in it. It will help to destabilize it.
Look at everything as an energy investment or withdrawal. Energy is the currency that makes your system tick. Withdraw it and the system FAILS!
Changes will come about when you keep focusing on creating a new benevolent system and when you stop complying with the demands of the old one. It is about where you invest you ENERGY.

Working to stay on the good path in a good way. #SaveTheChildren. I love God the Creator, Source of all, be positive my frens and manifest.

Red-pilled and mind-blown by Eustace Mullins books, once upon a time... One foot down the rabbithole, one foot on The High Road.
Right there with you Blaine, like so many others. We're in a time of transition and transformation, and must choose wisely, individually and collectively. Meditation, prayer and deep listening are important tools in these chaotic times.
btw- I know his/her feline cousin very well. His name was Bamboo. A feral drifter that adopted our 'community' in Hawai'i and became our revered farm ratter. He would wait at the front of our driveway like a faithful dog for me to come home from work. Very special friend. Those were the days...