🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
Sabrina Gal and her team are putting up 200-400 quality posts per day which is more than most people can consume but it's fun trying. I worked as a bumblebeekeeper in the 90's at one of- if not- the first facilities in North America to successfully breed them for flowering crop farmers. That's a story maybe for another day. One fun anecdote is that when we sent out our first hives they flew away and got lost. We determined that they needed to keep the door closed for 24 hours to set their GPS so to speak. Fascinating creatures those bees. Drop in on Sabrina Gal. You'll be glad you did.
but isnt she part of the jfk is jesus group? and they all went to dallas to wait for jr