dog & cat rescuer, animal advocate, Patriot, MAGA KAG WWG1WGA
wth?! Anyone from France on Anonup? Please give us your thoughts on this.

The ONLY thing on my bucket list is to meet + HUG all involved in #THEGREATAWAKENING (Q know who Q are). God bless every one. Exodus 8
Come on man🙄
let's. go. brandon. 🤦♀️

Trump Follower....WWG1WGA....SAVE THE CHILDREN......Christian...Conservative...
This had to be another fraudulent election!!

Here's to new beginnings! #WWG1WGA Love is the answer
France: protests erupt after Macron wins reelection
France: protests erupt after Macron wins reelection
France: protests erupt after Macron wins reelection
And now Stupidtrump is trending because he didnt do the right thing and concede like LePen did. I have stayed positive till this past week and now I am like, don’t anyone darn say we are winning. There may be bots on twitter but its not all bots. Nothing is wakeing these people up.

"Family Is Everything" We are 1 Family PURE BLOOD FREE THINKER WWG1WGA Pro2A Conservative ULTRAMAGA KAG SiVisPachemParaBellum GOD BLESS ✝️
"WHO" counted the votes.

Their are many of us on this feed.They have been invited here to tell and add their experience in the investigative and intelligence game.

I will strike upon them upon them with Great, Vengeance and Furious Anger; and they shall know the LORD, when I lay My vengeance upon [them]
Rigged... Yet again...

And just like in USA, nothing will be done!

The most sacred part of my life is in the ever-expanding circles of knowing God and myself in HIM. Not a straight shot, but an EPIC one!
🔥They don't take these things well. Vive la revolution!🔥

Retired psychologist. Love USA, POTUS, vets. Here to support those who aren't quite "there." Twt axed me same day as DJR. badge of h

Nuked from twitter for supporting Donald Trump. English Patriot 🇬🇧🇺🇸 MAGA, WWG1WGA, Say NO To Evil Globalists, Trump WON!
Yet another rigged election, I dont know why people bother voting.

Knowing who really we are🙏✨ True Consciousness Creates Harmonic Circulation. 🌎💞☯️💞◯=♾☺️ Armor of Source Almighty🙏✨

and the illusion continues....same zebra different stripes...who's to say she isn't one of them also. As long as there are cabal elections/governments it doesn't matter who wins the election. They are all their puppets. The biggest global illusion.

Knowing who really we are🙏✨ True Consciousness Creates Harmonic Circulation. 🌎💞☯️💞◯=♾☺️ Armor of Source Almighty🙏✨

to je strašné...
já se stydím za něj...
ten musel vonět...

Knowing who really we are🙏✨ True Consciousness Creates Harmonic Circulation. 🌎💞☯️💞◯=♾☺️ Armor of Source Almighty🙏✨

It was rigged

The Great Awakening • This is it • Buckle Up • Godspeed🙏🏻🇺🇸
No he did not (no sauce at all whatsoever for this comment)....all I know is this:
Liars and Cheaters continue to Lie and Cheat for their NWO agenda.
Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what Macron and his she-man are all about.
Time for some American Revolution, 1776 style.
Batter up, America.
We’re on deck.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Do they cheat too.
What makes anyone here in America think the mid terms will be any damn different from the last election they stole by cheating?
If 2020 is not fixed before the next election we are fookd.

I don’t care who tells us to vote in midterms, my voting days are done till there is justice!! That is my fooking stand. I refuse to vote in another fooked up rigged election. I dont want to hears, this one will be different. Too fooking late!!! Fix 2020!! Until its fixed I stand firm on not voting period!!! I refuse to be a sheep going to polls to vote in a rigged election!! White hats and black hats both can fook themselves! I refuse to play their stupid game with bullshit prizes!!! I dont care what plan its a part of, I will stand and say fook both of you and your games!
Only followers of this user (@CamdenBeach) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@Mystogan) can see their posts

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
definitely cheated. everyone hates this guy

Did they use Dominion voting machines again??? 🤦♀️

OMG, I was thinking the exact same thing, lol!
I can’t wait until they’re exposed once, and 4 all.

Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils
yes this sucks, really thought she would win, has to be a bit of fraud here too, the french ppl took to the streets a lot, in protest of mandates and vaxx, do not think they could want more of the same fookin’ stuff they have had to protest

Served my country in the 80s-90s. Proud husband and father. Always asking questions. Looking for the truth.
He has to win to be exposed like Biden. The corruption leads to the top.

the french have to see their elections are a sham too... Earthwide Great Awakening! the French have been taking to the streets peacefully for many years now. the real yellow vests. ditched the vests now mass public are joining... rebrand. all the people that can will see! wga

mother, grandmother, animal lover, truthseeker
It is just a projected win at the moment according to the Polls, let's hope this changes.

Woman who loves God, my family, & my country, as well as Freedom lovers worldwide. Not here for followers. #FamilyIsEverything #GodWins
Yes, [they] did it again.

Deplorable Patriot and Follower of Yeshua Hamashiach. The Lion of Judah. Equal opportunity offender. I don't worship any party or person.
Stolen again

and everyone think 2022 will be any different. No voting until 2020 is fixed