We just lost all power here at the hotel in Ridgeland, SC at 9:01 PM (EST).
No TV. No lights. No AC. No WiFi. No landline phones.
No parking lot lights.
No hotel sign lights.
Entire area for blocks was dark.
Went to the lobby to tell the desk clerk it was the military giving everybody fair warning on what is ready to happen.
As soon as I stepped foot back in my room everything came back on.
All of this happened within minutes of my decode post on Ridgeland SC that said this area would be a New Jerusalem Command Center.
Bring it on.
That's why I am here.
Get ready everybody.
It's coming.
Don't know when but it will be soon.
True Patriot in CA. Donald Trump is my President!!!!
Fingers crossed!!
I live in Cottageville South Carolina originally from San Diego. Been here for 35 years loving life and all it has to offer.
its nice to see somone colse to home form walterboro sc