🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
"Think Mirror" occurs in 5 Q Posts. This is an excerpt from number 128 or "one 28/ Jr." from 11.09> 911 17 with a timestamp 11:07:15 or 11x7> 77> Christ or "one 17, 15". The 15 is wildly important, as Juan O' Savin has repeatedly pointed out, because it reverses the cabal spell of 17x3>51. "Spells", (think double meaning), are always cast in 3's hence...
Presstitutes; (Michael P's hilarious nickname for fake news)..
"What storm Mr. President?
What storm Mr. President?
What storm Mr. President?"
"You'll Find Out."