Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
LA going back to masks.
Hospitals can’t make money if everyones healthy and Covid disappears.
Bring masks back to make people think it’s still floating around and you can go back to killing people and collecting pay checks.
You Californians need to step up!

God, Family, MAGA, Truth Seeker/Follower Trump is my 19th President!
I live in far NE Cali- I never wore a mask. I never got Covid. I definitely didn't get jabbed. We are actively trying to get our corrupt county elected officials out (who all took Covid money and locked us down). There are many of us in California who are standing up and fighting- not fleeing the state. We will win our beautiful state back!
Yes, I am in Cali as well. I too never worn a mask, never tested, don't think I ever had covid. I meet more and more people like me every day and I know we are a RED state! I am in this fight to the end. Thank you for holding the line, Patriot!