Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
I tell ya folks..i am done. I am tired of this fight, I am tired of being sick, in pain and suffering from the flu vax injury from 10 yrs ago. I question everyone and everybody in this fight...even Trump and Q. Trump has changed since he left office. not sure why. We also havent heard from Q since then either. That Mcafee account on Telegram that Juan says is Q..i do not believe that one bit. The shit that channel posts is off the wall weird shit.. i am pretty fed up with this entire shitshow and my life. i would be happy if God came back today and took me. I do not want to be here anymore..living in pain and misery. I am tired. my body cant take this life nor this fight anymore. I want out.
Pro-Life Christian. Intercessor. Evangelist. Artist. Marine Corps Veteran.
Where We Go One We Go All. This "WAR" is bigger than we ever imagined. satan was RULING the world, stealing & murdering us & we were LITERALLY on the chopping block. Isaiah & Jeremiah are dedicated to this War. Our enemies are MONSTERS! Almighty God, Shaddai, Said, "I MYSELF WILL HELP YOU, DECLARES THE LORD." Isaiah 41:14. "I AM WITH YOU AND WILL SAVE YOU DECLARES THE LORD." Jeremiah 30:11. We are in Jeremiah 30! Every verse is a story! We are in verses 16, 20, 23-24. Cannibals, GITMO (exile), the Storm of the LORD... We will live verse 19 SOON after the WAR ends. God is WITH you & we Love you. (i lost family...