We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
Dyes aren't just in cereal. They're in:
BBQ sauce
cake mixes
snack chips
pet food
Artificial dyes are made from chemicals derived from petroleum… the same stuff used to make gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt, and tar.
Artificial dyes have been linked to:
brain cancer
nerve-cell deterioration
hyperactivity in children
Despite the bad history, it seems the government is okay with using us as the subjects for their science experiments. As of 2007 the following seven artificial colorings are permitted in food (the most common in bold) in the United States:
Blue No. 1
Blue No. 2
Green No. 3
Red No. 40
Red No. 3
Yellow No. 5
Yellow No. 6
Check your labels. If your food has to be colored for you to eat, you don't want it, or need it.
How bad is artificial food coloring?
Artificial food coloring and dyes are dangerous and, unfortunately, everywhere. Learn how to protect you and your family.
Indeed, the best thing I ever did for my health and family's health was learn to read labels and started buying everything as whole and clean as possible.
The reason so many are zombified and dumbed down is because of the slow poisoning from commercial products and an FDA that allows for it.
You can find lists online of ingredients to look for to avoid including bath and body care products as well as yard and home cleaning and care products.
Fabreeeze is the most evil and sinister product to hit the planet.
If you want your home to smell fresh, get the and keep the air moving, let the sunshine in, use an ozone machine occasionally and essential oil diffusers that truly break down orders, actually are HEALING to breath in, while smelling awesome.
An example of comparing labels when looking at products. Why all the extra crap?

We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
THIS FDA NEEDS TO BE PROSECUTED AND CLOSED DOWN. Yes, people need to be responsible for the foods they choose to eat, but these poisons are in ALL OF OUR FOOD SUPPLY. We need to demand changes or this agency to be abolished. And we need to do it now.

I agree 100%! The Head of the FDA shouldn't be an ex Monsanto toxic chemical company.
People assume if it is on a store shelf, it was proven safe. A one-time dose of a toxin a product probably is. If you eat that product every day, combined with 100 other toxic products you use in your life every now we are at toxic lethal dosing.
Yes, we shouldn't have to go out of our way to discover which products are not harmful.
People are waking up. Thank you for your post. It's how people start to realize that we've been being slowly poisoned and how.