NEW CLIF HIGH SUBSTACK-Watch the water https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/watch-the-water?r=1dhlnq&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
Watch the Water - by clif high - clif’s Newsletter
Someone may be pissing in it upstream of you...
I realize this is 'old news' and it is ready being dust panned.
What if black hats are using controlled opposition to redirect us away from venom?
1) Set up a academically premature, flashy interview with moody music with a previously built up anon voice.
2) Throw out three theories about covid and venom; infection in the water, hospital deaths by remdesivir, and mRNA transfection in the vax.
3) Have numerous sources loudly and immediately discredit the (sketchy from the start) 'venom in the water narrative. Plus put up a bonus 'paytriot' water filter sales gimmick.
4) Lump all three theories together as inextricable and ridiculous.
5) Ignore any new information on venom components in remdesivir and/or the vax.
6) Successfully redirect anons from knowledge and further research.
Can we please see this with a little more fidelity and stay focused for more than 48 hours?
It does not matter. The answer is natural immunity. Once you stop all medicine, your body can handle anything
Yes. Western medicine needs to be completely reevaluated and re-researched. A complete new database of medical research and disease isolation (or failure to isolate if terrain theory is true).
Who I'm thinking of with the need to continue chasing venom is the vaxxed. I'm not ready to leave them behind. Perhaps the DHT divine healing technician thing or the medbeds are real (I haven't seen anything remotely convincing on either) making the covid causation mechanism irrelevant to their recovery.
I can't shake the feeling that we're collectively dropping something important chasing Musk and Twitter drama.
No doctor or medicine for me since 1987. Not one day sick. I think there is no need for western medicine