“Now I think
I should have known
he was magic all along...
I did know it.”
~ Jackie Kennedy on JFK 💞🕊️
Q from the 1st drop! JohnFKennnedy JR followed me on Twitter, @RealDonaldTrump=RealPresidentof USA‼️🇺🇸PRINCE 4 Eva💋☔️☔️☔️🏎🏎💟☮️💜
Oh Barbara, how marvelous!!
I love that.
Never knew it until I found
that quote today.
To learn that’s how HE described his wife —
truly magical 💕💝💕
Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils
love these photos❣️and easy to see that Family Is Everything
I loved that quote from Mrs. Kennedy.
I saw it & couldn't believe it because
that's how many of us feel about her husband —
that he was magical.
But we also feel that way about her!
And her children!
A magical family if there ever was one 💞💐🤩