100 percent Patriot! God is my savior. Trump is till my president 💕 Suspended from Twitter 8 times 😂
Using fake twitter handles to communicate

Digital soldier, information warrior, officer de liason, 101 Meme Division, militant christian [ not lukewarm] Matthew 10 ; 34,
Could be far worse!

Let’s not forget this little gem Tom Hanks posted on his twat that was a backdoor on Russia’s black market for human trafficking. Along with the meaning of wayfair to back up your posts.
I just recently dumped a lot of the $10k pillow pics and their matching missing person name….

God fearing wife and mother of five grandmother of one princess. I love my country and Trump. #GODWINS #SAVETHECHILDREN
This angers and makes me sick. EVIL.

Moving at Z Speed of Thought. The truth has only one master. All Timelines converged. I pledge to you all that I AM.
M takes T
Triple fooking whammy
Source code history - fooked bigly
Losing propaganda control - fooked big
Money and hegemony - just plain fooked
Trump, Patriots, People - triple win bigly