John 8:36. Break the [cycle]. ]Remake[ it.

@vincentkennedy Do you think this ties into Y they wanted to find the Bloodline so badly?

In response M9tch 0000 to his Publication

Yeah, where did Jesus get his Y chromosome?

Did the Holy Spirit manifest some male human DNA and just put it in the egg?
Wouldn't it need to be an XY chromosome to do all of its chemistry inside the egg?

Their is a war for the heart,soul,mind of humanity. Jesus is the only Savior NO ONE else. Trust in the plan of God NOT man. Matthew 24:1-51

In Genesis God spoke and it was so… honestly its not hard for God to create somthing that did not exist… and speak it into existence. In addition we read in Genesis that God would produce the Messiah by the seed of the woman. Woman do not produce seed. God intended to make it clear that the birth of Christ would be supernatural… unexplainable… humanly speaking. Furthermore the book of Romans states Jesus was in the “likeness” of sinful flesh. In esssence Jesus was manifest to humanity in the likeness of human flesh… but not in sinful fallen cursed flesh like you and me. The Lord bypassed the curse of sin… to be born without sin… to redeem sinners… who would believe in Him. You and I will never know the how… God was able to… the only thing that matters is that He did… Amen?

In response ConcernvatiViews to his Publication

There are a lot of stories about the Son of God being born to a virgin mother in many cultures throughout earlier history. Moses, who was raised by an Egyptian Pharaoh, had access to all of these ancient stories. He also learned to write, which is why he wrote the first 5 books of the Bible.

The Universe, is made out of a lot of stuff. There are ways to make matter out of energy. The Creation of the Y chromosome would take some next level quantum particle physics. All of the historic "Gods" sounded pretty next level, they would know how to do some quantum particle physics.

Their is a war for the heart,soul,mind of humanity. Jesus is the only Savior NO ONE else. Trust in the plan of God NOT man. Matthew 24:1-51

John wrote he was an eyewitness of the life and ministry of Jesus. Peter wrote in his Epistle that he was an eyewitness and that he was not misled or decieved into believing in myth or fairytale. Paul wrote that he was an eyewitness of seeing the resurrected Lord… who appeared to Him. Look around you. The very people you are fighting against… literally worship the ancient gods you speak of. The cabal/globalist/elite… the entertainment/music/hollywood industry etc. Why is there a concerted effort by the groups to remove Christian doctrine… teachings… Christ from everything they are able to influence? These groups publically/privately war with one person… is it Buddah? Allah? Mohammed? or any of the gods you mentioned? NO! They have declared war on one individual… the Lord Jesus Christ. If you disagree that is fine…however…understand… you can not claim to be in a war for truth… while being blinded to the truth…these people you fight against worship Satan… and despise the one true Savior!

In response ConcernvatiViews to his Publication

Satanists don't believe in Jesus Christ, or God, or a Soul, they are mostly Atheists.

Christianity, The Universal Religion, was created by a Government for the Peasants. Jews didn't believe Jesus was their Messiah, that's why they killed him for blasphemy. It doesn't mean that Jesus couldn't perform miracles, it's just all of the other "lore" surrounding him that was taken from a lot of much older Sumerian and Babylonian stories when creating the Universal Religion of the Roman Empire.

Their is a war for the heart,soul,mind of humanity. Jesus is the only Savior NO ONE else. Trust in the plan of God NOT man. Matthew 24:1-51

The term Satanist… implies… they are worshippers of Satan. One of us is in the truth… the other is in darkness… I suppose when both of us breathe our final breathe… we will find out on that day.

In response ConcernvatiViews to his Publication

I questioned Satanists about their beliefs. Satanism see's Christianity as unnatural. They thing of humans as animals, and we are, but they miss the part about us being civilized. Christianity created Satan, as an adversary, and Satanists are trying to be the opposite of Christianity. They reject all things about Christianity, including God, because they are mostly Atheists. You could just ask a Satanist what they believe in.

Their is a war for the heart,soul,mind of humanity. Jesus is the only Savior NO ONE else. Trust in the plan of God NOT man. Matthew 24:1-51

1.Is it not wrong morally to tear an unborn child from the mothers uterus and then sell their parts on the black market? Harvest the blood of children while they are in a state of sheer terror… to produce adrenochrome? Sell people into sexual slavery? These are things that devoted Satanists practice. If you view humans as civilized animals… you most likely reject that humanity was made in the image of God… and you support the alternative of evolution… man came into being via an accidental cosmic explosion… that appeared happened from nothing… bacterium to algae to vegetation… to fish… to horse… to monkey… to the homosapien species over millions/billions of years. The question is where is the millions/billions of years of evidence? There should be a plethora of evidence of varying stages of evolution. How much evidence do we have? ZERO. Nothing… like what created everything in the beginning of the THEORY of evolution. Civilized animals? Here is why I am a Bible believing Christian…

2. I looked at the evidence. In Genesis the Creator God said everything He made… He made of its own kind. What I observe with my eyes is not evolution. Science is the ability to test… to observe… Here is what I observe… everthing created… has a creator. Simple logic. The phone… the laptop… the chair you sit in… the bed you rest in. The light switch, the light bulb, the paper, the pencil, the car you drive. Literally everything speaks to this simpke truth… I was designed… created. In the same way… using this simple analogy… humanity had a Creator. Simple basic science of observation. Humans produce… humans. Humans were created… in the image of their Creator… God… who identifies Himself in the first verse of Scripture. You can disagree. However the evidence… logic… real science is on the side of Scripture. I intend not to convert you but to call you to examine the evidence.

In response ConcernvatiViews to his Publication

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Their is a war for the heart,soul,mind of humanity. Jesus is the only Savior NO ONE else. Trust in the plan of God NOT man. Matthew 24:1-51

In response ConcernvatiViews to his Publication

3. Like you I once believed in the theories of man. Who attempt to explain creation without the need for a Creator. Here is the reality you choose to believe in your book written by man under the guise of science (textbook) where I choose to believe in a book that identifies itself to be the Word of God. We can debate but in this we are at a stale mate… however the evidence is on the side of Scripture. Furthermore would you be surprised to know that those who believe the view that you hold are prophesied in the Word of God… shocking I know. Romans chapter 1. Read it. It is even more evidence that the Word of God is of God… for only God can foretell things to come in the future. Literally everything you read … is where the world currently is. This is one of many evidences. However my desire is not to convert you… but to cause you to be stirred to think rationally… not what they want you to think.