German, always open minded. Seeing how the leftist are destroying my country + watching Trump videos totally changed my mind.
On the T shirt , to the left of Snow W hand there is an Infinity Meta Sign, with perhaps a hook that is in thinner ink writing than the other writing-it also has a type of arrow sign pointing to it with the lapel.
Another possible “arrow” is further down on the left and it is pointjng to a ‘P’ or it maybe a NY🤓
Mom, Granny, # Christian and #RedPilled for years . #GodBlessPresidentTrump #TheBestIsYetToCome
They wear something outrageous and everyone looks at the crude picture and nothing else.
She has an arrow pointing a) to a meta symbol with a hook under it.
META is death and the hook under it we now know is the subway.
b) The other arrow as I said last night was pointing either to a P or to NY .
Then today there is a shooting in a NY subway.
#ThesePeopleAreSick and are all involved .