Favorite also right lower corner I saw that back then and breathed a sigh of relief.
Can you imagine what FUN JFK, Jr. has had all these years
NOT being in the public eye?
God bless him.
What fun he & Carolyn had looking at their "crashed plane."
With all this heavy demon darkness
it's important to appreciate the pockets of hilarity 😉💞🤩
I was like NO GOD then I saw that pic and I was like wait a minute. LOL SO awesome, GOD IS SO GOOD> and heck yeah, they are too good to have run those circles all these years. GOD people.
😼 There are many proofs that JFK Jr. is alive
but for me, the best comes from 4 extraordinary Patriots I trust:
RFK, Jr.
Juan O Savin
Q The Storm Rider
& Gene Decode.
Each have confirmed JFK, Jr. is ALIVE.
🇺🇸 1-1-21
April, SpirituallyRAW: So in the Trump Timeline
should we also be focusing on JFK?
Gene Decode: Which one? Senior or Junior?
April: Junior?
Gene Decode: Yes.
April: Did everybody hear that??!!?
🇺🇸 1-11-21
Robert David Steele: Had dinner tonight with Juan O’Savin.
Not his real name..
He told me—I asked him directly
John F. Kennedy Jr. is alive
but he is NOT slated to be Vice-President.
🇺🇸 Q The Storm Rider
🇺🇸 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
(RFK, Jr. touches his nose)
🤩 Then there's a marvelous photo
of Carolyn Bessette's mom
smiling at the funeral for her daughters, Carolyn & Lauren.
That's all you need to see 😉
Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!
It’s been a lot of fun following him around over these last 5 years! 10 Pics for fun! 👇😎👍
My first video on#jfkjr
Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!
Well done Sammy! 😎👍