4-8-22 Juan O Savin
The movie 2000 MULES documents what happens
at all those ballot drop boxes
to “help in those locations” with the vote..
The money from DARPA was U.S. Taxpayer money
being controlled behind-the-scenes
by criminal elements hidden inside the DARPA projects..
Those criminal monsters,
& they are monsters
& they seek to enslave you..
When they put those drop boxes out there
whose bidding was Zuckerberg doing?..
What they told him to do
was to control the way our votes are counted
by diluting our votes
with the 2000 mules doing the work of evil
to steal control of our country
by those hidden masters.
To use us
to enslave us
to do THEIR bidding
out across the world which now includes
taking the world to the brink of a World War
over Ukraine
& an energy crisis
& how it’s monetized around the world.

God, Family, MAGA, Truth Seeker/Follower Trump is my 19th President!
What is so sad, Calif also went red, but the corrupt govt's in many counties (including mine- Shasta Co.) used Dominion machines. When I emailed our county district supervisor asking whether she supported the use of Dominion, I received no answer. I later learned she voted for the use. We tried to recall her in 2021... you can guess the outcome.
As a Californian I know this to be true:
That we voted Conservative/Red in 2020
that we DID recall Newsom
that our beautiful state has been DESTROYED
by the Brown / Pelosi / Newsom / Getty deep state Mafia.
I agree with you.
I don't know when Q Team
is going to tell the world the TRUTH about the 2020 election
but I hope it's soon... 😼🙏

God, Family, MAGA, Truth Seeker/Follower Trump is my 19th President!
I worked on the first recall Newsom initiative in our small community. We have less than 2500 people and I collected nearly half that. The counties destroyed many of them I think.

No question about it.
So long as all their corrupt systems are in place
voting in the United States feels ridiculous.
But — Q has a Plan.
I don't know what it is.
I hope it's revealed before the November 8th Elections!!