We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
Creative ways to garden. Look around your house, see what you have and start planting. Several pics and ideas.
I've got those kinds of 'milk crates' w/ the empty water jugs (spray w/ white vinegar b/f recapping to prevent mildew) in them just waiting for repurposing.
You can never go wrong with vinegar, can you??? It's just a household staple, good for soooo many things. Those little milk crates come in sooooo handy. I line mine with newspaper, cardboard, black ground cover, whatever I have on hand at the time. The newspaper lasts through the growing season before it breaks down, but that's fine. I used to ask my neighbors to save me their copy of the newspaper, but now everything is online, so I just use the contents of my paper shredder. There's more junk mail than I need anyway.