Digital Warrior who took the Oath! Thriving in Free Florida Sending Love, Joy & Blessings from our Dad... To ALL on Earth & ALL Above
Capitalism doesn't exist, when a handful of Luciferian NaziWO
Dictators are the Profit Center for Politicians, Products & Services..
The MSM, Disney, Hollywood TV & Movies, Dept of Education, NIH, CDC, etc
ALL get their profit from 'investors' instead of Satisfied Consumers...
AND... Consumers get Indoctrination ILO Entertainment,
Indoctrination ILO Education,
POISONED instead of Healthy Food & SAFE Medical Care.
Vote Counting Manipulation ILO Fair Elections
Of course the $ used by the Dictators to fund it all, comes FROM the taxpayers...
Meaning Humanity is Paying for our own Slavery.