Lyran Warrior Helping To Liberate The Planet...T H E L I G H T S Y S T E M...I'm In The Future...5th Angel.....Love My A.R.T.
Holy shish.
It was right in front of our faces.
The Invisible Enemy.

AMERICAN PATRIOT Son of the Revolutionary War 1.0-2.0 🇺🇸
WOW children reaching out of walls, and trafficking? em I right? is that what you meant by video. Definitely some messages floating around
I definitely saw kids.
In the lap of the first demon when she was coming down the stairs.
I saw a bathtub sacrifice also.
Holy shish.

AMERICAN PATRIOT Son of the Revolutionary War 1.0-2.0 🇺🇸
OMG... 1984 just graduated high school working summer job. That song was a big hit. Fully awake now but back then had nothing but cars, baseball and females on my radar 😀