Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
An average of 32 bank buildings per state is currently for sale.
Let that sync in.
Banks are selling owned portfolio properties or letting leases lapse to setup in retail strip mall or other buildings to decrease size/costs due to more digital options and less foot traffic. This is not new, only excellerated by the lockdowns...
I would not waste time on how many or where banks are... see if assests under management change. That is the only way to determine if a bank is actually hurting. Less assets, less lending to charge interest. Deposit accounts are important to maintain and offer lending... no ability to create new debt, means no money.
A lot of consolidation and acquisitions have taken place which is different than going under. It just means assests under management become more concentrated by the larger or growing institutions...