God loving American seeking truth and freedom. Will never back down to demons!
So... a truck carrying 100 monkeys, heading to a lab, is involved in a collision in Pennsylvania and 3 monkeys escaped. Strange that vials were discovered in a lab in Pennsylvania that were labeled small pox and on June 4th, 2021 our Govt. approved Tembexa, medicine to treat small pox, even though small pox was supposedly eradicated in the 1980's. Bill Gates has been "warning" us of a small pox pandemic just like they warned us about the "covid" pandemic before it hit. This going to be the new bioweapon they unleash on the people?? Guess time will tell. I pray for us all. There are no coincidences.
Makes me mad that they tortured monkeys. I would like to get a list of where they got the monkeys and put them somewhere safe. Monkeys are so precious- they too need to be saved like children.