I stopped being anonymous back in 2012 when they came after me for exactly what most of us are doing now...exposing them. They put a false felony on my criminal record, unregistered my firearms, put me on the no-fly list and generally tried to make my life hell. I fought them. I won. After that, I stopped giving a shit about VPNs and anonimity online...no more Tor and linux with mind numbing delays. Only the best of the best can maintain this...despite your endless efforts, they know who you are. None of us have really ever been anonymous
I still have the records...with Kamala's signature on them. She weaponized the DOJ against me. You can guess what state I'm in
no one is truly anonymous online
they will find that out soon enough
Digital Soldier diligently exposing the Cabal Corruption of which they’ll be held accountable. By God. So let it be written,so let it b done
I wouldnt have even known if I hadn't tried to buy anothet gun. I was denied for the first time. I buy at leat 1 new gun each year now...lets me know if ive been tagged again
I believe you 100 percent, I've seen how these fucks operate.