Hi all!
Why are we all here? I mean, sometimes I feel like no one is on here by mistake. It's different, same as when we first went on wego. Never made any sense to me how I never saw really any dissenters or trolls or....
Any thoughts?
Just A 30 Year British Army Paratrooper Who Is Now A Proud American Patriot Who Stands 4 Square Behind President Trump.
Its A Very Select Group. That Fooked Button Weeded Out A lot Of Trolls. Just My 10 Cents Worth.
I never used it. I never saw a need and was on wego night 1.
Just A 30 Year British Army Paratrooper Who Is Now A Proud American Patriot Who Stands 4 Square Behind President Trump.
Me Also But I Could Never Really Get A Vibe Going On Wego.
AU Is My Go To, Its Just So Comfy Here With Lots Of Good Info With Sauce.