VK/DJT 'talking again'😂🤣🙌 12:04 EST and 1:33 EST duration = 1 hour 29 mins = 129 EST timestamp of President Kennedy's assassination🎯 Notice VK answers DJT's Q: Who's Next which was posted BEFORE his response😂🎯🙌 COMMZ COMMZ EVERYWHERE R COMMZ

JESUS is my KING, America is my home and TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT! I'm not here for dates!! I'm here to share truth & support TRUMP
Kelly Ann, I don't have telegram. I'm on a Kindle. I don't even have a cell phone because there's no cell service where I live. 😎 I pray you're beyond blessed. Miss your smiling face. 😊
Wish I could talk to the real Kelly Ann and Trump. 😍 Wouldn't that be awesome!!. Ok..well. I'll be ok. Just tired of being in pain, my momma being in pain, my whole planet being in pain. I just want all the lies to stop... 😞
I love you so much and JESUS LOVES YOU MORE! 💜🙏🏼💜💫👑🙌