#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
Do you know anyone personally that has long term effects from the vax? Trying to get a gauge but you have to personally know them.
My good friend and hairdresser passed away 5 months after her 2nd jab. She didn't want the jab, but her doctor scared her so bad about "Convid" that she caved and got the jabs.
My brother-in-law dropped in grocery store parking lot and stooped breathing. My sister-in-law was with him and was able to do CPR until the paramedics arrived. Doc said his arteries were 90% clogged. Put in a stent and sent him home. So far so good.
Almost lost my dad to the hospital ghools. Flu shotted, got "Convid" and landed in the hospital with bacterial pneumonia from wearing a mask. They gave him Remdesivir instead of HCQ,/Ivermectin, and he now has permanent kidney damage. Dialysis soon. Oh, and he is now double jabbed.......