A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
144000 Light Warriors, [4/1/2022 8:14 AM]
[Forwarded from Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page]
White Hats MiL. Making their moves...> From COVERT OPERATIONS TO OVERT OPERATIONS
Law of WAR..
By the book> 11.3> 18.18
REGIME CHANGE now under way in the USA: Biden on the chopping block as intelligence community activates emergency self-preservation actions
REGIME CHANGE now under way in the USA: Biden on the chopping block as intelligence community activates emergency self-preservation actions
https://citizens.news/606940.htmlWhat I fear from reading this article is that the DS will manage another lockdown using fear from attacks from suicide bombers - thoughts?