😂😂😂OMGoodness the visual!
Military Arrests Loretta Lynch
That moment came early Monday morning. A squad of Marines from Camp Lejeune disabled Lynch’s home security system, then breeched her front door and room by room cleared the 4,500 sq. ft. home until they reached the master bedroom, where they found Lynch asleep and snoring boisterously. They quickly sealed her mouth with duct tape and zip tied her wrists before she could put up a struggle. But upon awaking, she began flailing her legs, kicking at the Marine who showed her a military arrest warrant charging Lynch with treason and other high crimes. Her leg flailing became so indomitable that the Marines had to hogtie her and speedily carry her outside to a waiting vehicle.
“She’s been taken to a processing center, then she’ll be sent to Guantanamo Bay,” our source said.
Military Arrests Loretta Lynch - Real Raw News
U.S. Marines under command of Col. Todd W. Ferry, Camp Lejeune’s commanding officer, arrested former Attorney General Loretta Lynch at her home in Greensboro, North Carolina, a JAG source told Real Raw News. The Marines, our source said, spent two weeks surveilling Obama’s minion, during which time ..
It is a FAN-Fooken -tastic Visual, true or not!!!
Whoever writes this stuff... deserves recognition from the Producer of this Amazing Movie!! 😂
Old school 'conspiracy theorist' living in Austin Texas. Hobbies include rabbit hole dives and extensive researching 😉
My jury is still out on RealRawNews...but I want to believe them for the entertainment value alone
"hogtied and snoring boisterously." I CAN'T!!!!!!!!!
Working to stay on the good path in a good way. #SaveTheChildren. I love God the Creator, Source of all, be positive my frens and manifest.
Here for Trump and Q and saving this Republic. Period. Find me on Gab - https://gab.com/WildBill_inTN
if all that stuff from that news source were true, it would truly be wonderful.
To quote my Granny: "I don't understand all I know about it"! But I believe in GOD's Sovereignty. Truth. Light. Love. And His
Agree! Automatic red flag on this source, imo.