I am happy!!! CERN CANCELLED

TRUELIGHT WWG1WGA@n3mesis shared the news that the double power-up of CERN was shut down because they couldn't get the beam to beam.

I hope we all around the world with the help of angels plus shut it down if it was going to be used to open a portal for demons to come through.

Thank you to everyone who prayed and held good vibes.πŸ™πŸ’›

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,πŸ’œβ™ΎοΈ

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

Wasn't it that galactic forces shut it down and were not going to allow it to run again?

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

I feel confident our star friends/ family have been helping out.

Have you seen the videos of light ships showing up to shut down nuke missle sites and that sattleite launch that looks like a UFO took it out before lift off?

I can say with 100% certainty, the benevolent star beings will not allow any more atomic nuke bombing on earth. The benevolents do honor no interference with free will and evolving planets policies. However, because the nature of an atomic explosion they say, impacts the entire fabric of the space time continuum they share with us, is highly disturbing for them, and they are allowed to interfere to stop it.

It takes the popular Star Wars phrase "I detect a disturbance in the force to a whole new level." Its one thing I never worry about. When the ballistic missle alert message came to Hawaii 1-13-2018, I kept loading my back pack for a hike to an ancient stargate while parents were shoving their children into storm drains. I had zero worries. Check this

SpaceX UFO Explosion - Slow Motion! - YouTube

Slow Motion of the SpaceX explosion on September 1, 2016

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,πŸ’œβ™ΎοΈ

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

Exactly, Enjoyed how you wrote that and inner-stand.
At this point Things sound like galactic forces are pissed and they have really taken over.
Its certainly not just human forces clearly out all the Negative ET's in the dumbs and wanting to escape.
Also portals being closed all over.
No one in or out past galactic forces, intergalactic forces.
Seems they think humans are not very bright at the least and they seem something with humans and earth that they want to learn from and enjoy, providing people can learn law and physics to life force.
"Certainly is not about another four year election"
love intuition, a 6six sense of knowing, aligned with fractal symmetry, source, spirit, life force, aether.

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,πŸ’œβ™ΎοΈ

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

Leaving things up to humans near destroyed the world, wiping humanity out, screwing DNA right up?

Average IQ has been plummeting, Some sharing 80 average IQ, observing all those masked, being injected with COVID-19 shots, test with COVID-19 Bioweapon testing and living the life style like they do, seems to be fairly accurate, people have a challenging time, challenging to wipe their own you know what...
Humanity learning solutions seems hardest of all, so many wanting acting like they need a saviour, unaware of principles of law and life force energy.
Top by far things to learn is Law and Physics to life force, and how deep both really go and support each other as a progressing Quantum reality.

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

1/2 You inner-stand well enough. The original humans had complete access to God Intelligence with very advanced DNA & creative power. They were cultivated under guardian guides & the Origins of earth were not dualized- yet. The Alpha Draco found earth & same as now, deceived the humans through their same tricks- spell casting aerosol poisons, getting them to doubt in God with promises of becoming even greater (seprent in the garden story) Even WEF is telling people they can make them greater than Jesus.
Most humans, fell for it and turned against the guardians. The elders" understood a deal was made to allow for an experiment in duality to take place- to see what would happen if God were allowed to Go against itself through the humans being split." - hence the creation of an AI simulation interfaced with the organic realm- seamlessly. What is of God can never be destroyed, only what is in tehj temporal AI sim illusion can be, so it was always safe in the end. However- cont

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,πŸ’œβ™ΎοΈ

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication
Stories out of this world - Alex Collier & Elena Danaan - May 9 /2021 - YouTube

Alex and I just recorded a spontaneous conversation about a project we had in mind for a good while. Apologies for all the rescheduling, as life got in the w...

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

I use to read Collier back in the day. The Andromedans are an interesting subject because many think beings from the galaxy are being discussed. Our solar system has an Andromeda Constellation. They did donate to the DNA project in Service under God when humans were being formed and we do have Human Adromedan soul star seeded here. They are the wise old souls that are practical, honest- Ron Paul is an Andromedan Elven mix. The rebel Libertarian side is where his elven race lineage comes out. That was an important merger to stay strong for his role swimming with the sharks in DC.

The Andromedan Galaxy does interact with the HIGHEST councils & alliances in this solar system, not really directly with humans. Indirectly energies come through, especially through the humpback whales.

Elena I only came across last week and gives me the creepsπŸ˜‚

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,πŸ’œβ™ΎοΈ

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

Elena, lol the creeps.
Interested your more comments from you if you feel anything about the information elena is sharing as well Michael Salla.

I don't know this person - Michael Salla. and I only heard a few minutes of Elena, she was stoking a crystal-like she was trying to get it off while her eyes were doing weird things and I couldn't watch anymore.πŸ˜‚

What is her general message? A general rule is that if they are not giving thanks to God, referring to God or Jesus Christ as the light and way, they are likely very in the know, yet are fulfilling the role of leading people into a false ascension matrix.

There are a lot of psyops out there working overtime to keep souls from finding their way home to God and Christ in their heart and from being of Humble service.

If you are grounded there, you can pick up interesting things from anyone. Always run a message through your heart filters. We call that discerning. Cern is a word for AI. To discern is to dismiss the cern (AI) so we can hear the Voice of God instead.

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

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QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,πŸ’œβ™ΎοΈ

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

Elenas general purpose, good question, seems relaying information about being being an ET contact, Galactic federation information, disclosure maybe?

Are you Referring to Jesus, christ, God the only way to ascension the only way raise frequency, vibration ?
What happen before Jesus, christ?
So serve Jesus Christ, over humanity?
Michael Salla and Elena danaan as well Alex collier seem apart of disclosure.

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

1/2 I will elucidate best as I can. Those that are anti-Christ do not talk about or praise Jesus Christ.

Jesus fully embodied the Christ light. His life was a testament. The Christ Light, the high heart of compassion and especially forgiveness are required to ascend. That is most important- forgiveness. Without it, you stay anchored down by anger and resentment, or needs for vengeance and then, how can you rise in vibration?

God doesn't punish personally. Gods laws of creation take care of all Justice. Guilt is sticky energy binding us to the energy of punishment. Living with guilt calls for punishment of the self or others. Forgiveness is everything and what we know Jesus best for teaching us. Forgiveness is Freedom

If people steer clear of referencing his teachings and the Christ Light, I do not take them seriously as a resource to support raising my vibration. They play a role to test us and our ability to dis-cern (AI) so I get why they are from a higher perspective.

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

2/2 The "Galactic Federation of Space Clowns

There are Federations, Alliances, Councils and Confederations of star races. That said, the see eye aye got ahead of the star seed awakening and created psyops posing as the "Galactic Federation". Star Trek was created to set the predictive pre programming. Their goal was to capture the awakening star seeds to come, say all the right things so they would just blindly follow, never really do the work to reconnect with their soul star and lineage, and lead them astray into a false ascension matrix none the wiser.

If you say she says she is a voice for them, that explains why she gives me the creeps. Its funny to me I use to call them space clowns as far back as 2006 not knowing clowns is also a pseudonym for the three letter agencies. When I learned that through the Q movement, it was just confirmation for me that the Galactic Federation was a see eye ay psyop.

I steer clear and have my own inner resources.

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QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,πŸ’œβ™ΎοΈ

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication
Life Force Measured & Defined: Key to Nutrition, Architecture AND Lucid Dreaming , w Dan Winter, - YouTube

Life Force Measured & Defined: Key to Nutrition, ArchitectureΒ  AND LucidΒ  Dreaming , with Dan Winter, http://www.goldenmean.info/measuringlifeforce (v...

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

You are bringing me blasts from my past, Collier, Dan Winter were all 2004 deep dives for me. I liked Dan Winter. He is a great meta-physician. All of that era are worthy except I would stay away from Ashaya Dean -heavily compromised and her Azurite Press. Many do not know Azurite is the highest female demon. As people studied deeper in their stuff they became cult like mind programmed. It was sad to watch friends become programmed.

We are at the final hour. Consider keeping it simple and just work at resonating with your authentic being which is Peace and Joy. Create a life that supports peace and joy. This is what the most advanced societies in the cosmos do that I am aware of because that is the energy of being at one with God,/Source/Creator. All good and perfect guidance flows from there. Life becomes effortless and easy, one walks in a state of Grace.

The peace is most important as all flows from a calm mind, heart and soul, reflection is perfection off calm waters.πŸ™πŸ’›

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QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,πŸ’œβ™ΎοΈ

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

What happen before Jesus, the ancients?
Jesus is man made religion.
Physics, Electrical engineering teaches about life force, showing how to connect with energy, with inner-standing no intermediary needed, how to connect with higher self.
Crystals hold energetic frequencies, hold data, information.
Sacred geometry from ancient teachings is important to learn about.
Everything is energy, has a frequency a vibration.
Jesus is not everything, energy is, God is energy, Self aware and connecting. Plasma (Charge) is energy, can be more self aware inner-standing.
Many know they dont need or want a saviour, not Jesus, Mohamed, Johova, yuhuah, or pastors, or any other intermediary, how many are false prophets?
Learn Law and physics.
Certainly Jesus has not united anyone in this world to change this world, to stop governments from forcing slavery, as human traffickers.
How many human traffickers worship Jesus?

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

In my other reply I concured with where Jesus and more so the teachings of forgiveness relate to what I want to resonate with. You go no where closer to pure being without it.

I want to restore my authentic state of being- joy, peace. I am adept with Crystals- more so expert, just sayin and yes sacred geometry more so fractals, the golden ratio is all that really matters, color frequency and music/ sound make up the Universe.

My universe does not look like 1010101010101 though I do understand the numbers related to math and music behind it all. Abstract math is where its at.

At the end of the day no matter, I give thanks to God as being first and only cause of all.

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