🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
Take heed Truth seeker. WE are the students. Michael is the teacher. Two ears, one mouth. This image was just posted, very lovingly I should add, at -48.
One day hun, Nana thinks everyone will find this place of peace, joy and love & when they close their eyes they will at first be startled by the immenseness of it,
but then they will revel at the infinite Love & beauty they find there and the unlimited potential they have to navigate there.
Nana is just a baby here in this space but I can tell you already that once you find it and the pure Love of the ONE God and his consciousness you will most certainly loose much of your attachment to material things you think now you cant live without.
PPl say when they hear these things that power corrupts but Nana begs to differ. IDK how to explain it other than to say it is a belevolent power.