For sure! 💯Why cant people wake up? We are trying so hard to help them only to be persecuted.

Their is a war for the heart,soul,mind of humanity. Jesus is the only Savior NO ONE else. Trust in the plan of God NOT man. Matthew 24:1-51
1.For me the difficulty was honestly sheer laziness, busyness, conformity, complacency, lack of time to research. There are other factors such as deception, ones ability to endure ridicule, mockery, being shunned. Cognitive dissonance is such a grueling process. It is safer to live in ignorance. Ignorance simply means to be unlearned. The reason I was able to break from this is because I met a Christian woman who challenged me to seriously study the topic. I started slow. I was first convinced that the moon landing was definitely faked. Phase 2 was questioning the distance of the sum and the moon. I would wake up and look at the sun/moon. Take video and photos. How can the sun be 13 million miles away if my cheap chinese phone can zoom so close to it? The moon does not appear to be thousands of miles in outer space. Its so close and low at times you feel as you can touch it. I then started looking at the words in Scripture for sun/moon. The word used is light. I was shocked!It does not