All my life I’ve felt that something about religion and our culture didn’t add up. Something was missing. Something else was counterfeit. I’ve felt this way even as a young child, 6-7 year’s old, sitting in Sunday school surrounded by other happily singing children. As I grew older and became an adult, I rejected the Word as it was presented as being a package deal with organized religion.
Decades later, after years of hard won wisdom and spurred by an urgent need for personal growth, I revisited my sense of discordance to try and resolve it.
I am completely unsuited for this activity. I have little patience. And I certainly do not have a calm, welcoming demeanor. I am not a light worker. I am not an empath. I work with machines. Sometimes I use a hammer.
I’ve been kneeling by this drain pipe for 2+ years now; waiting with attempts at patience. I’ve tried to be nice and reassuring. The kittens come closer occasionally. I coax them with the bites of truth bacon. A couple times I’ve tried to grab one only to have it run away and be twice as shy as before. I’m failing at my assigned task and the water is rising.
Anons, I ask that maybe you could say a few prayers for these kittens and to help me gain the skills I need to save them. There are many more waiting after them.
Vibrations of love
Peace no matter the outcome
Thank you all.

Sigi- (See-gee) meaning Victorious Peace or Gentle Warrior I LIKE BOTH!!
Being a lightworker doesn't mean your light does not shine. Daily I seek out reasons to just laugh with total strangers in the grocery or just compliment someone on a beautiful spring dress..
Your light is contagious, and your smile moves more people than you know.
Stay the course... Trust me you fit right in ,,,

Thank you, Sigis.
I try to stay positive. I believe we attract what we project. I believe we can effect everything and everyone around us with our intentions.
I appreciate your reply, encouragement, and prayers. I was frustrated to the point of frantic and needed a breakthrough moment. Just that fast, I now have a glimmer of hope of reaching someone dear.
Thank you.
Prayer works and intentions matter.
"Ask and it shall be given."

Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
I stand with you.
I know some of the things I have talked with you about are hard to believe much less prove.
My experience with spiritual matters align with what you say.
I learned the art of dissociation during church and school.
I have been fortunate to have mentors along the path to being here.
Today, I want to dig and find what will help all of us. I sprinkle humor in with truth, and try to help raise everyones positive vibes.
We all feel ill equipped on how we should do this, but if not us, then who?
I am glad you have opened up and are here with us. The time will present itself as to how and when to save the kittens.

Thank you, Charlie.
Its been a rocky path for all of us. I really liked the muddy dog meme you posted with the message that the mud may be the same depth but it effects us differently.
Your prayers are working. One friend has agreed to set down with me for an hour and let me show her information on vaccines. She has been slowly becoming aware that the covid vax has problems. She still thinks they are small, unintentional, and were necessary to bring the pandemic under control.
She still thinks that all the other childhood vaccines are fine and wants to 'catch up' her daughter for the shots she missed these last 2 years.
I need to carefully curate information that raises enough doubt about the aluminum adjuvants so she will look deeper. Part of that message will be covid and push for profits over safety.
Truth will always prevail eventually. The hardest part is getting people to look at boring primary sources.
The whole Earth is under a spell.

"Look at me well. I am she. I am..." Time to sift-in Revelations. Seeing ears, hearing eyes. "Who are you?"
we pray for a comfy
host of warmth and rest.
Ones hearts intent are the
vibes kitty seeks.
kinship to kitty is the nip.