absolutely valid thought.
what if the notice that everyone is so anxiously awaiting is not ‘in our favor’? what if your phone doesn’t light up to say ‘trump is your president, now we arrest all the baddiez’ but instead says ‘seek cover. this is not a drill.’
brink of destruction vibes.
then the curtain gets pulled back.
only spitballing, as the original post, but until then, we wait. and we remain peaceful, calm, focused, and always loving.
If people saw nukes flying and landing, it would be chaos.
People would literally start robbing stores, shooting people in their way, hijack vans and lorries to fill them up with supermarket food and water and they would take off somewhere they felt they could hunker down for a few years.
Others would be jumping off bridges thinking it would be a less painful way to go thank radiation poisoning and a slow descent into an apocalypse.
Etc Etc
Stupid movie ending in my opinion.
The only proper way to end this movie is to see those people on trial and admit their crimes. Everyone could deal with that. Sure they'd be in shock for a while, but they'd get over it.