Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Aunt. Love my Country.
It is like the jab passport. If the unjabbed all show up everywhere what are the "authorities" going to do. Mass revolt is what is needed.

Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.

Patriot dad of two beautiful babies. Fighting for truth and justice. Fighting for peace.

This Bill is more political theatre, If it passes, the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
"White House Says Biden Would Veto Bill to Overturn Transport Mask Mandate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday President Joe Biden would veto a bill in Congress that would block public health officials from requiring masks on airplanes and in other transportation modes to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Last week, the White House said it would extend the current mask requirements at airports, train stations, rideshare vehicles and other transit modes through April 18 that had been set to expire on Friday.
The White House said "circumstances under which masks should be required in these settings should be guided by science, not politics."

Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.
He's talking about political science... I have several books, and 100's of peer reviewed medical science articles showing the DANGERS of prolonged MASK USE.
He can take his PS - and go straight home.
(I try not to curse in public)
Brandon fail

This Bill is more political theatre, If it passes, the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
"White House Says Biden Would Veto Bill to Overturn Transport Mask Mandate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday President Joe Biden would veto a bill in Congress that would block public health officials from requiring masks on airplanes and in other transportation modes to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Last week, the White House said it would extend the current mask requirements at airports, train stations, rideshare vehicles and other transit modes through April 18 that had been set to expire on Friday.
The White House said "circumstances under which masks should be required in these settings should be guided by science, not politics."

This Bill is more political theatre, If it passes, the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
"White House Says Biden Would Veto Bill to Overturn Transport Mask Mandate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday President Joe Biden would veto a bill in Congress that would block public health officials from requiring masks on airplanes and in other transportation modes to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Last week, the White House said it would extend the current mask requirements at airports, train stations, rideshare vehicles and other transit modes through April 18 that had been set to expire on Friday.
The White House said "circumstances under which masks should be required in these settings should be guided by science, not politics."

This Bill is more political theatre, If it passes, the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
"White House Says Biden Would Veto Bill to Overturn Transport Mask Mandate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday President Joe Biden would veto a bill in Congress that would block public health officials from requiring masks on airplanes and in other transportation modes to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Last week, the White House said it would extend the current mask requirements at airports, train stations, rideshare vehicles and other transit modes through April 18 that had been set to expire on Friday.
The White House said "circumstances under which masks should be required in these settings should be guided by science, not politics."

This Bill is more political theatre, If it passes, the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
"White House Says Biden Would Veto Bill to Overturn Transport Mask Mandate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday President Joe Biden would veto a bill in Congress that would block public health officials from requiring masks on airplanes and in other transportation modes to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Last week, the White House said it would extend the current mask requirements at airports, train stations, rideshare vehicles and other transit modes through April 18 that had been set to expire on Friday.
The White House said "circumstances under which masks should be required in these settings should be guided by science, not politics."

This Bill is more political theatre, If it passes, the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
"White House Says Biden Would Veto Bill to Overturn Transport Mask Mandate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday President Joe Biden would veto a bill in Congress that would block public health officials from requiring masks on airplanes and in other transportation modes to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Last week, the White House said it would extend the current mask requirements at airports, train stations, rideshare vehicles and other transit modes through April 18 that had been set to expire on Friday.
The White House said "circumstances under which masks should be required in these settings should be guided by science, not politics."

This Bill is more political theatre, If it passes, the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
"White House Says Biden Would Veto Bill to Overturn Transport Mask Mandate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday President Joe Biden would veto a bill in Congress that would block public health officials from requiring masks on airplanes and in other transportation modes to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Last week, the White House said it would extend the current mask requirements at airports, train stations, rideshare vehicles and other transit modes through April 18 that had been set to expire on Friday.
The White House said "circumstances under which masks should be required in these settings should be guided by science, not politics."

This Bill is more political theatre, If it passes, the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
"White House Says Biden Would Veto Bill to Overturn Transport Mask Mandate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday President Joe Biden would veto a bill in Congress that would block public health officials from requiring masks on airplanes and in other transportation modes to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Last week, the White House said it would extend the current mask requirements at airports, train stations, rideshare vehicles and other transit modes through April 18 that had been set to expire on Friday.
The White House said "circumstances under which masks should be required in these settings should be guided by science, not politics."

This Bill is more political theatre, If it passes, the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
"White House Says Biden Would Veto Bill to Overturn Transport Mask Mandate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday President Joe Biden would veto a bill in Congress that would block public health officials from requiring masks on airplanes and in other transportation modes to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Last week, the White House said it would extend the current mask requirements at airports, train stations, rideshare vehicles and other transit modes through April 18 that had been set to expire on Friday.
The White House said "circumstances under which masks should be required in these settings should be guided by science, not politics."

This Bill is more political theatre, If it passes, the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
"White House Says Biden Would Veto Bill to Overturn Transport Mask Mandate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday President Joe Biden would veto a bill in Congress that would block public health officials from requiring masks on airplanes and in other transportation modes to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Last week, the White House said it would extend the current mask requirements at airports, train stations, rideshare vehicles and other transit modes through April 18 that had been set to expire on Friday.
The White House said "circumstances under which masks should be required in these settings should be guided by science, not politics."

This Bill is more political theatre, If it passes, the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
"White House Says Biden Would Veto Bill to Overturn Transport Mask Mandate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday President Joe Biden would veto a bill in Congress that would block public health officials from requiring masks on airplanes and in other transportation modes to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Last week, the White House said it would extend the current mask requirements at airports, train stations, rideshare vehicles and other transit modes through April 18 that had been set to expire on Friday.
The White House said "circumstances under which masks should be required in these settings should be guided by science, not politics."

Excommunicated explorer examining experienced existence; extrapolating exhibited expectations.
I can't wait for the day when people realize we don't have to wait for Congress' permission. Constant cheerleading for ending unlawful orders rather than actually doing something about those issuing the orders, lol. And we wonder why things never change...

This Bill is more political theatre, If it passes, the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
"White House Says Biden Would Veto Bill to Overturn Transport Mask Mandate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday President Joe Biden would veto a bill in Congress that would block public health officials from requiring masks on airplanes and in other transportation modes to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Last week, the White House said it would extend the current mask requirements at airports, train stations, rideshare vehicles and other transit modes through April 18 that had been set to expire on Friday.
The White House said "circumstances under which masks should be required in these settings should be guided by science, not politics."

This Bill is more political theatre, If it passes, the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
"White House Says Biden Would Veto Bill to Overturn Transport Mask Mandate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday President Joe Biden would veto a bill in Congress that would block public health officials from requiring masks on airplanes and in other transportation modes to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Last week, the White House said it would extend the current mask requirements at airports, train stations, rideshare vehicles and other transit modes through April 18 that had been set to expire on Friday.
The White House said "circumstances under which masks should be required in these settings should be guided by science, not politics."

This Bill is more political theatre, If it passes, the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
"White House Says Biden Would Veto Bill to Overturn Transport Mask Mandate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Tuesday President Joe Biden would veto a bill in Congress that would block public health officials from requiring masks on airplanes and in other transportation modes to prevent COVID-19 infections.
Last week, the White House said it would extend the current mask requirements at airports, train stations, rideshare vehicles and other transit modes through April 18 that had been set to expire on Friday.
The White House said "circumstances under which masks should be required in these settings should be guided by science, not politics."

Just an American girl excited for the future of the Greatest country on earth. Follow me or not, it is NOW a free country! God Bless America
it is an unconstitutional mandate, people should just all take the masks off and that would end it

Reformed Christian wife, mother and friend. USA Patriot, Pro-Life, Pro 2A, Live Free or Die! Flat Earther
We must not celebrate this if it passes- we must hold everyone accountable for the violation of our constitutional rights

We must not celebrate if it passes because the Brandon Admin said they would Veto it.
It's all about our obedience training for the nazi world order.