Please JOIN me Gab:@benjamin1978 DM me so I RECOGNIZE you from twitter,FOLLOW you back and BUILDUP BETTER/STRONGER thén EVER BEFORE!👊😎🇺🇸
This video is very disturbing..
it’s of Brandy Vaughan the Merck whistleblower who was found dead December 8th, 2020. In this video she is documenting the intimidation tactics being done to silence her. Please share with everyone
From the True Great Awakening,..
🛫WhistleBlowers🛩 All content: "Fair Use" USC Title 17 Cpt 1 Sec 107
Familiar story. Only problem..[THEY]have access to all of us,
anywhere, any time. We are WB...story later. CABAL controls
our home system, phones cars. They hack everything,
watch everything, hear everything. [THEY] send us coded
msgs via phione. [THEY] hate my gematria decodes.
About bloodlines...McLeod, Fitzgerald...+
[THEY] encountered a "higher power" last Feb.
[THEY] have become the hunted.
😊🙏Hard wired in>no escape👹
[THEY] are watched by God...👊🙏🕊
Msg to CABAL > our high satanic priest & Scottsman>>
REPENT>Time is short⌛
"Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him" Job
it seems the more advanced technology became the tighter they held us in their sadistic evil web. we thought we were freeing ourselves from home phones when the 👀phone came out. when actually we were gave them a clear path to spy on us. making it easier to entwine us into their evil web, system. the more technolgy that we bought thinking we were ensuring our safety from being robbed or murdered by intruders. we actually brought the evil into our homes. evrytime they introduced an easier way to live through high technology systems. and we bought into their ttechnological webs. we put ouselves m
patriot always seeking truth and trusts Gods word ! Lives by the. constitution. Prays for the healing of our Nations. God Wins !!
more into harms way. they had us buy into their sadistic web by enticing us with their tech. We fell for it and they made financial gain with their trickery. many installed doorbells to see who was at the door,bought Alexas, smart Tvs , installed security cameras both inside outside or professional sytems. thinking we were making our homes secure and keeping our families safe. all the smart high tech in reality made ourselves vulnerable and unsafe. Thank God President Trump and all his team brought back to reality. From darkness to light. i pray that every slimy evil being is in hell 🙏❤️