Juan O Savin
Tina Peters is.. doing exactly what she trained her son to be
a Navy SEAL out there at the cutting edge
doing what has to happen, leading the way..
for her country
her county
& those that elected her
& we’re going to stand with her. Tina Peters is my hero.
Please Father God
keep Tina safe.
Give her the joy of your presence in her heart tonight
& tomorrow, shine through her in such a way
the whole world sees
they didn’t knock her down..
in fact you were revealed through her
because she is a servant of God
& a fellow servant of her Adamic brothers
us, the American people.
She’s doing our will.
Doing things that we need done
to protect the country & the world
from those that would enslave us through falsehoods..
Help us to help her the rest of the way
to get to Justice both for her life personally
& vote Justice for the country.
We also pray for Belinda, her assistant,
who was also arrested today & for her family..
In Jesus’ name
it's especially egregious & evil,
and i'd equate it w/ the evil of torturing someone,
like what hilla & inhuma did to that girl
makes me furious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but i know that God works w/ boomerangs
and karma is the great equalizer,
whether [they] understand & become contrite or not
thanQ again for your posts,
they are so nice to read and helps us
snapshot understand like a picture book :D
have a blessed weekend!
I was just as upset as Juan was
when he described what they did to Tina
especially her son's foot locker.
But there will be justice for this marvelous heroine
🇺🇸 AND America.
Can't wait!
Happy Weekend to you & yours, my friend.
I hope you do lots of fun & happy things 🌞💞😽🌟