Have I given you a clue ?
We have no Saviors, its all Number magick, and deception. Ask the freemasons, they will tell you, its both back and white, are controlled by them. Even when we think we have saviors, its all a lie. Even q is controlled by the free masons. Thats why we still have wars and shit. The new world order just shifted to a new style where they want to have all digital money and shit, its all the same shit. There might be an internal power struggle, but its all controlled by the same Aliens, you think people make the plans for the world script ? No fucking way, this is way to advanced psychological warfare for any human to conceive, its all AI programming its a script, running off of predictive programming with quantum technology. Its all just some techno wizardry shit where the weak minded buy into it, and give all their energy to false idols who are enslaving them and abusing them and lying, using lesser magick just like they always have , nothing changed except the characters in the play.
Believe what you will man.
Have I given you a clue ?
Have I given you a clue ?