Documents Reveal Hundreds of Media Companies Including Conservative Media were Paid by Federal Government to Promote the COVID-19 Vaccines
New documents obtained by The Blaze Media through FOIA request revealed that HHS paid major media organizations including cable TV news stations, publications, digital media companies, and many more to promote the Covid-19 vaccine narrative as part of a “comprehensive media campaign.” HH..
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/03/documents-reveal-hundreds-media-companies-including-conservative-media-paid-federal-government-promote-covid-19-vaccines/the media needs to be exposed asap. people are getting to sucked into their war narrative. EBS. please.
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for sure but itbwqs suppose to happening 1000 times makes me wonder will be dead before it happens prices rising fast and truth isnt getting out to the normies so the good guys suffer when hold up remember we have it all getting old