Hi, does anyone have suggestions on how to detox from the covid vaxx? My friend has been having memory problems (minor so far) after vaccination ans booster. Any ideas will be appreciated, thank you!

complete guide to detox. things like pine needle extract, st. john’s-wort, vitamin C will help to offset the spike proteins
Spike Protein Detox Guide
Our Spike Protein Detox Guide is evolving with emerging information on how to clear viral and vaccine-induced spike proteins from the body.
Thank you so much!

Warrior Of God ~ Spiritual Warfare
Had A Dream Given To Me About 1 1/2 Years Ago About A Chlorine Dioxide Treatment...I Will Send You The Information As Soon As I Gather It All Up...Was Very Difficult To Get About 2 Years Ago, The AssHats Probably Knew Back Then.

Thank you!!!

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