hey,@vincentkennedy, I know you got us started on this conversation… what do you say we as a collective continue it?
not sure if we’re all ready, but I think it would be a great thing for everyone to mull and chew on this weekend :)
idunno, caught a God vibe, and thought it was worth asking a friend for some additional guidance.
much love ❤️
I'm not sure how one could do this journey without an understanding of God. (I see it with friends who although are spiritual are struggling.) Whatever / whoever God is to you. I was raised Catholic and I believe I had a confrontation with Evil at about the age of 12 and I stood strong (but scared) in God. But at 16 saw the hypocrisy of my religion. I wandered aimlessly for many years - making mistakes and screwing up, only to be led back to God. Having a foundation in God has enabled me not to stray too far as God is very much in me . As far as religion is concerned - that is where the corruption begins.