I was listening to Viva Frei this morning while he was playing the speeches from the Canadian Parliament arguing for and against the Emergencies Act. It became chrystal clear how speach/words/ideas have become weaponized against We the People. The "words" they use are powerful words to us. They have meaning. But, they twist the application of those words. They outright lie using those words and ideas. It was enraging to listen to each person spouting lies using words/ideas that I hold dear. The Tudeau's, the Soros', the Schwab's, all the way down to the petty little politician fucks and cops who do their bidding need to be ripped from their elitist worlds and publicly tried for crimes against humanity. Strip them of their power, prestige, money, property, ability to earn...EVERYTHING. They use flowery speech while they take everything, including bodily autonomy, from us...they think we are their stupid slaves...WE SEE AND HEAR YOU FUCKERS NOW.