This is the most disturbing interview I’ve have seen from a child. Is there any follow up to what happened to the dad and school staff. This is from 2014 I’ll assume arrests were made.
There was a custody battle. The children were given to the father. Court said, the children were influenced by the mother.
Father is now in the US with the children. Mother is still fighting to get them back

Patriot seeking greatness 🇺🇸 Pass some popcorn please......🍿❤🍿❤🍿❤
I looked into this and watched several of the video's on it many years ago. If you watch all the video's with both childrens recall of things it's very hard to believe that this did not happen to them. From the conclusion I read the children's family on the mother's side took the children and was hiding them in Russia. I believe they both would be Adults now in late 20's or early 30's. There was also video's out there with adults who had other children in their care that have similar horrific stories to tell.

so did I, and no child could make such a thing up
The children are with the father, here a video of them from 2018
I would say they are between 14 to 18 now
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Thanks, I was looking for the video, I also haven't seen anything since.
Here is a video of the mother, on YT you can still find videos from the interviews with the police in which the children say "they invented it"
Search under Hampstead Children,Hampstead Cover up